Need to make a change in your Riding Center's information?

Name Change

Pony Club Riding Centers' names reflect the name of the business with which USPC has entered into a contract to offer the Pony Club program. If your business has had a name change and you wish to update the Pony Club Riding Center's name, please email the Riding Center Liaison notification of the name change. An updated contract and/or Certificate of Liability may be required.

Change in Location

While USPC has entered a contract with the riding lesson business, if the location of the business moves, the following steps will be necessary:

  1. Receive a notice of location change from Facility Owner/Manager, Center Administrator, or Regional Supervisor
  2. Facility Owner will be sent a documents to be completed, signed and submitted to USPC with payment:
    1. Location Change Application
    2. Amendment to Pony Club Riding Center Program Agreement
    3. $50.00 administration fee
    4. Updated Contact List
  3. Center must provide separately and insurance certificate of liability reflecting the change of address
  4. USPC may require further information, including, but not limited to, photos and/or videos of new facility, horses or lessons, or references.

Pony Club Riding Centers are required to have and maintain a minimum of $1 million dollars in general liability insurance and have the United States Pony Clubs, Inc., listed as additional insured on that policy.

The insurance date displayed on the center's record is the date the insurance on file with the USPC expires. When a center renews their insurance, changes insurance carrier, or if there is any other change in the policy that affects USPC, a new copy of the Certificate of Liability must be sent to the Riding Center Liaison at USPC.

Have another question? Please contact the Riding Center Liaison.